Factors that Affect the Clothing Choices of Women
Factors that Affect the Clothing Choices of Women
Throughout history, a variety of outside influences and internal preferences have motivated women across the globe concerning their choice in clothing. While obvious factors, such as protection and warmth are some of the reason why a woman puts on the attire she chooses in the morning. Clothing gives you the confidence to express and communicate identity. Below you will find some of the reasoning behind today’s clothing selections and fashion pertaining to women.
It is always necessary to determine and explain the factors that greatly affect our clothing behavior. Following are some important factors that greatly affect the clothing behavior of women in all over the world.
While the concept of modesty is different for each and every place in time, over the years it has played an important role in women’s fashion. In various parts of the world, it was forbidden for a woman to show off her legs, shoulders, and back. While the Indians no longer enforces strict about the clothes they wear but some cultures still uphold the aspect of modesty in women’s fashion.
Women’s clothing choices also matter to their status or position within a social group, as some pieces call attention to a specific affiliation. This is seen in the skirts worn by a college tennis team or elaborate robes worn by members of African tribal royalty. In the India, corporate executives, lawyers, and other high-income career positions are often identified bit the type of clothes worn.
Various forms of women’s fashion are set aside for specific ceremonies and occasions that mark significant moments in her life. This is seen in the common attire for weddings. These dresses are often elaborate, flashy, classic or once-in-a-lifetime garments that hold special meaning.
Current Fashion Trends
In the India, women follow the latest fashion trends, whether it is cutting their hair, choosing a designer purse or selecting clothing. Ethnic clothing is just one of the things that distinguish one part of India from other. The traditional Indian attire has earned admirers from people from all over to organizations like UNESCO.
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